Remembrance in Giverny10, a soap bubble, シャボン玉で囲まれた素敵なお店@ジヴェルニー...

Remembrance in Giverny10, a soap bubble, シャボン玉で囲まれた素敵なお店@ジヴェルニー。

Remembrance in Giverny6, 蜂も喜びを感じるモネの庭園。

Remembrance in Giverny,フランス、ジヴェルニー編の写真を継続してアップして行きます...

Remembrance in Giverny, フランス、ジヴェルニー編の写真を継続してアップして行きます。

“In the Twilight/黄昏時に”

“In the Twilight” is the title of the ending theme. I took this photo on the way home today.

I was in the Central Park, so sunny day

Finally, I’m back home in NYC!

Finally, I’m back home in NYC! It took time 23hours from hotel of Limoges to here. ほんまに疲れたよ…。今日はぐっすり寝れる。やっぱりmy homeが一番リラックスする。おやすみなさい☆

I’m in Limoges and had 2 performances

I’m in Limoges and had 2 performances. The last concert will start at 8pm tonight. Do my best and hope audience will enjoy!

I had a concert yesterday at Lille University3

I had a concert yesterday at Lille University3. It was so wonderful night! I already love Lille city. There are so warm people, beautiful town, too many snow! I’m sure I will be back here soon. Merci beaucoup, Au revoir. リールは本当に素敵な所でした!初めて来たがすぐ恋に落ちてしまった!またコンサートで来たいです。



