I just arrived at Kumamoto airport!
The concert in Kharkiv/Ukraine was broadcasted on TV.
【Японский пианист-виртуоз Темпей Накамура выступил в Харькове】
The interview about Tempei’s history & music(In Russian).
The interview about Tempei & Oleg’s history & music in Kharkiv/Ukraine (In Russian).先日ウクライナで行なわれた天平とオレグの半生や音楽に関してのインタビュー。(ロシア語です)
【The Latest concert schedule】
11/25/19:00 / 東京, 早稲田大学7号館4階 7-419
11/27~29 / 熊本県【Rising Sun復興支援ツアー】
12/3/18:30 / 愛媛県八幡浜市, みなと交流館多目的ホール
12/4/18:30 / 奈良県下北山村, きなりの郷
12/10/14:00 / 愛知県, カワイ名古屋
12/11/18:00 / 福岡, もも庵
12/12/19:30 / 福岡, もも庵
12/15/19:30 / 福岡, けやきの杜
12/17/18:00 / 大阪, カワイ梅田
12/18/16:00 / 岡山, 音楽交差点
12/20/19:00 / 北海道札幌市, カワイ札幌
12/24/13:30 / 東京, sonorium
1/14/2017 / 大阪, URGE高槻【関西Rising Sun】
1/28/2017/14:00 / 大阪, LICはびきの/ホールM
1/29/2017/17:00 / 横浜, 東戸塚サーラマサカ
2/4/2017/14:00 / 長野県上田市, 信州国際音楽村
2/11/2017/15:00 / 大阪, 堺市立東文化会館【ネオレジ】
3/4/2017/17:30 / 東京, きゅりあん小ホール【Rising Sun】
3/7/2017/19:00 / 東京, 松尾楽器
3/11/2017/19:00 / USA, New York, Tenri Cultural Institute
I had a performance with Illia on Nov 23rd at Russian School.
I had a performance with Illia on Nov 23rd at Russian School. And It will be final performance in exchange meeting tonight at Waseda.
11月23日はロシア語学院でイリアとコンサート、今日は早稲田大学の交流会で最後の共演です!昨日久々にYuiちゃんとリハしました、めっちゃいい感じ♬Maki CodeMさんとやっとお会い出来ました!12月3日の愛媛と4日の奈良の下北山村きなりの郷で共演します!なんかヴァイオリン尽くしの今日この頃。
I’m back in Tokyo and had a concert yesterday at elementary scho...
I’m back in Tokyo and had a concert yesterday at elementary school with Illia Bondarenko!
The interview about concert in Kharkiv/Ukraine on Nov 8th.
The interview about concert in Kharkiv/Ukraine on November 8th, 2016. It was so nice moment, thank you Oleg-san!
My soul & life
Honestly, Im too tired these days because of my hectic schedule from October 27th(Brussels). Of course I organized my self and I have all responsibility. But, when Im so weak as physically and mentally both, I need something help from outside, I cant make much more energy & soul from my inside. Now, Im listening Irish music and it gives me a lot of energy, Im so tired because of my job, but also music helps my soul & life. My soul is crying and want to be back in westside of Ireland. Thanks the music and kind people around me. Im sure the concert will be so nice moment with my Ukrainian friends today.
I’m going to be on the radio!
I’m going to be on the radio tomorrow@12:15!明日11/22(火)12:06より放送のラジオ【ゆるるアフタヌーン】に12:15頃から電話出演します!
I’m going back to Osaka from Fukuoka right now
I’m going back to Osaka from Fukuoka right now to see my friends Bogdan & Delphine who are from France, then go back to Tokyo by Shinkansen for concert tomorrow at 8:30AM. What a hard schedule and interesting 😉
The concert in Grodno/Belarus was broadcasted on TV.
The concert in Grodno/Belarus was broadcasted on TV.