Third Album 「火の鳥 – Phoenix」

1. 火の鳥
アルバムのタイトルにもなった象徴的な曲、火の鳥。Journey in Europe曲集は火の鳥で始まり、同じテーマとなるメロディーを持つEnd of Journeyで終わります。魂を燃やし、火の鳥となり空へ舞い上がる様子を表現しました。

1. Phoenix
Phoenix, which is also the album’s title, is a symbolic track.  The Journey in Europe collection begins with Phoenix and ends with End of Journey, which has the same melodic theme. I have expressed the image of the burning of the soul and becoming a Phoenix that flies to the sky.

2. History of Warsaw
旅の中で訪れたワルシャワでのコンサートのアンコールで弾いた即興がHistory of Warsawのもとになった。ワルシャワは悲しい戦争の歴史が幾度もあり、そしてそれを乗り越えてきた。そんな誇り高きポーランド人達の心の強さと優しさに対する敬意、そしてワルシャワの教会に眠っているショパンの心臓への想いが自然と即興に込められたのだろう。

2. History of Warsaw
The improvised piece I did for an encore at a Warsaw concert became the base for History of Warsaw. Warsaw has been through many sad wars and have overcome them. The respect towards the strength and kindness of such proud Polish people, and my feelings for Chopin’s heart that lay in the church of Warsaw, must have naturally found their way into the improvisation.

3. ウクライナ幻想曲
3ヶ月半の長い旅の最後の国となったウクライナ。 そこには音楽に対する感謝の気持ちと情熱を魂から表現する人達がいた。

3. Ukrainian Fantasy
Ukraine was the last country of the long three and a half month journey. There, I found people that expressed their passion and gratitude towards music from their souls. It has given birth to excellent composers and pianists, having a great musical and cultural background.  The people also possess a strong passion for music. From an economical stand point, it’s difficult to say they are the center of music internationally, but they know the true value of music. Ukrainian Fantasy was created by feeling the passion and sense of exaltation from the crowd, during the concert and the improvisation played in the opening.

4. 夜行列車

4. Night Train
I took the night train a lot while traveling through Europe. I did an improvisation based on these experiences during a concert in 2011.  I arranged this a little to make this piece. Traveling through the darkness.  Sometimes stopping at empty places that weren’t even stations. When the train stops in the middle of the night at the border while I’m sleeping, a man comes into each room checking passports. These extraordinary experiences not found in Japan made me happy. I would think of what to do in the next country.  I would face myself, the traveler. It was because I was in this darkness that I felt alive. The journey continues, inside the moving night train, steadily.

5. End of Journey

5. End of Journey
Three months and a half from June 2010, my European musical journey lead me to this track. This track encompasses the music, culture, people I met, experiences, and the many memories made  in various countries. Sometimes romantic, sometimes full of life, the end of the journey is filled with accomplishment and sadness.

6. レクイエム Requiem & 7. Rising Sun
2011年3月11日に起こった東日本大震災、その時僕はNYのアパートにいた。僕自身、阪神大震災で家が全壊した時は若すぎて何も出来なくて歯がゆかった経験がある。遠くで起こる悲劇を目の当たりにし、今こそ自分に出来る何かがしたいと思った。そして、地震が起こった数日後にはレクイエムとRising Sunを完成させていた。亡くなった方々への安らぎをこめたレクイエム、日の出の様に日本のみんなに元気を与えたいという想いで作ったRising Sun。そんな想いからRising Sunは自分で作詞をし、ヴォーカル曲にしました。いずれも初めての試みです。ヨーロッパ、アメリカ、日本と世界中でのチャリティーコンサートでこの曲を演奏しています。そして被災地にピアノと演奏を送るプロジェクト[Rising Sun]を行なっています。詳しくは僕のHome Pageをご覧になって下さい。一人でも多くの人が協力して下さる事で、被災地にいる多くの人に音楽の輪を広げる事が出来ます。

6. Requiem & 7. Rising Sun
I was in my NY apartment when the Great East Japan Earthquake hit on March 11, 2011. I remember when my house burned down during the Great Hanshin Earthquake.  I felt powerless, unable to help being so young. Witnessing a tragedy from afar, I wanted to do something this time. And days after the earthquake, Requiem and Rising Sun were completed.  Hopes of giving comfort and peace for the lost lives were poured into Requiem.  Hopes to lift the spirits of the people in Japan like a rising sun was chiseled into Rising Sun. From these emotions, I wrote lyrics and made Rising Sun into a song, which were both first time attempts. I play this around the world in Europe, the USA, and Japan, at charity concerts. I am also involved in the project Rising Sun, sending piano and performance to the disaster sites. For details, please visit my website. The more people that can cooperate, the more people we can reach with music in the disaster sites.

Rising Sun Lyrics

さあ 朝日浴び この命 噛み締めて
これから 生きる道を 一緒にみつけよう ここがスタート
Now, bathe in the sunlight and bite into this life
Let’s find your path of life, together, this is the beginning

さあ 元気出し 上向いて 歩こう
繋いだ 手を離さないで 未来へ進むんだ ここがスタート
Now, lift your spirits, lift your head up and let’s walk
Hands held and not letting go, towards the future, this is the beginning

空 見上げてみて 君と僕 繋がっているでしょ
どんなに 遠くにいても 命を感じ合える事が大事
Look up to the sky, see, you and me, we’re connected
No matter how far, it’s important that we can feel each other’s lives

悲しみを 忘れないで 今も苦しむ 人達がいる
見えない恐怖におびえながら 戦っている彼等に光を
Don’t forget sadness, there are still people that suffer
Fighting fear invisible, shed light to those that fight

空 見上げてみて 君と僕 繋がっているでしょ
どんなに 遠くにいても 命を感じ合える事が大事
Look up to the sky, see, you and me, we’re connected
No matter how far, it’s important that we can feel each other’s lives

いつか命が消えるなら 愛する人の為に
生きて行く そして生まれて来た 意味を知るよ
みんな命は全て 繋がってるから
If life will disappear one day
Live for the one you love, and know the reason why you were born
Because all of our lives are connected

さあ 立ち上がれ 太陽が登る様に
みんなで 手を繋ぎながら 足を踏み出そうよ
光浴びながら ここがスタート
Now, stand up and rise like the sun does
Let’s all hold hands and take a step
Bathing in light, this is the beginning

このよにうまれてきて 嬉しい事が二つある
君と巡り合えた事 生きる意味見つけた事

Being born in this world, there are two happy things
Meeting you, and finding the reason to live

9. 奇跡の法則  Miracle is in the Method
Mr. Jun Watanabe started a gym after bringing the skills he learned in the USA on reviving the functions of spinal damage that was said to have been impossible to cure.

He chose this path with the wish to save his best friend that had spinal injury. I was deeply moved listening to his TEDxSeeds rostrum.

I respected his actions, passion, and love he had, and wished to be able to do something together someday. However, I learned that a week after that speech, Mr. Jun Watanabe had passed away due to an accident.

I couldn’t believe it and the reality didn’t sink in.  Those close to him must have been devastated. I created this piece with these thoughts.  This piece includes respect for him and encouragement for his friends and those that undergo rehabilitation.

Rising Sun同様初作詞、初ヴォーカル曲です。
英語のタイトルの”Miracle is in the Method”は彼のモットーであり、
Like Rising Sun, this is the first time writing lyrics as well as is a vocal track.  The English title, Miracle is in the Method, was his motto with the message being, “There is always a method that exists for miracles.  The first step is just a miracle, 100 steps makes it common, and there lies a method.”.

Miracle is in the Method Lyrics
夢への道のりは 厳しくて 心が折れそうに なるけれど 君がいる
The road to my dreams is hard, and sometimes I feel I’ll give up, but you’re there

歩き出した この道を 笑顔で着いて来て 手をつないだ 仲間がいる
The road I started to walk, is shared by the smiles and hands of friends

希望 なくして 泣いて泣いてたあなたが 奇跡を信じて 心がキラリと輝く
Hope lost, in tears, you were crying – believing in a miracle, your heart glimmers

夢をすてないで 光はやってくるから 涙 希望にかえて 進むんだ
Don’t throw away your dreams, the light will shine through, turn your tears to hope and move on

ほら あなたは 一人じゃない 奇跡の扉が 今開くよ
See, you are not alone, the doors of miracles are about to open

10. 幻想曲

10. Fantasy
This track was influenced by progressive rock and I tried to express the drum, bass, keyboard trio band with one piano.  Fantasy is a unique style that isn’t confined to any style, and with irregular meters and different genre progressions, the piece itself has an ambience that allows you to imagine adventure and space travel, therefore I named it Fantasy.

11. 一期一会

11. Ichigo-ichie (Treasure every encounter, for it will never recur)
This track is about the memories with my best friends and mentor from my college days.  “Ichigo-ichie” means “Treasure every encounter, like it will never recur”.  I hope that people can reflect on their own cherished encounters when listening to this piece.

12. フレイム

12. Flame
A track created before I graduated college.  In this album, I added a gradual opening.  Something may trigger a person to get excited or angry like a blazing flame, or something may trigger a person to be as calm as a gentle candle light.  This track expresses such flame-like human emotions.